Quick Reference Rules
2021 COVID-19 related instructions
Only 2024 registered paid members with OBC can use club boats/equipment. Membership must be renewed each calendar year.
Guests must go out in the same boat with the member, and not more than twice in one year.
Persons under 18 can not row singles, except in OBC coached junior camps (if any). Children (under 18) of members must be in a boat with their parent, or a coach 20 years old, or older. They may also row with a launch operated by a parent who is an OBC member, or a coach 20 years old, or older.
New members must complete an orientation and a competency test before taking out boats.
Rowers must report damage to boats and oars to the commodore within 2 days, and post the problem on the white board for other rowers.
Singles can not go out before April 1st.
April 1st to November 30th: Cold weather rules: if the water temperature is below 50 degrees, or the air temperature is below 40 degrees rowers in singles must go out in groups of two or more shells. Alternately rowers can go out with a launch within 35 meters.
Rowers must sign in and out of the OBC logbook each time they take out a boat, including non-locally.
The last one to leave the boathouse must pull in the rolling racks and lock the boathouse. The last one to leave the park needs to lock the front gate.
OBC boats that are used in races must be registered as OBC, unless an exception has been approved by the board.
Make sure you are familiar with the OBC Handbook and Know Before You Row documents.